Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay on How Popular Culture Affects Race - 1347 Words
HOW POPULAR CULTURE AFFECTS RACE The popular culture particularly visual media affects our opions and attitude towards race and racial minorities group. our assumptions about race and racial minorities are both successeded and reflected in the streotypes presented by the visual media. i strongly believe in the George Gebners scientific examintaiton of televison that how we perceive ourselves and how we view those around us are affected by what we see on television. Visual media has such a heavy impact on us that even though they present a grossly distorted picture of the real world. people tend to accept more readily than reality itslef. the popular culture deals with symbolic realm of social life, the image which it creates, represents†¦show more content†¦the other was the imbalances created in the televison between black and white community. it teaches young black to accept minority status as noticebely inevietable and even deserved. television also overrepresent and glamourize the elite occupation that sets up unrealistic expectations and largely neglects portraying the occupation such as farmers, factory workers and small businessman. On television 55% of characters are involved in the violent conforontation once a week in reality figure is less than 1 % creating a fear of crime. the way the race and the racial minority groups are represented in television they contribute to the overall racial climate.The historical results have been distinct and different groups have encountered unique forms of racial opression. Native american faced genocide , blacks were subjected to slavery, mexicans were invaded and asians faced exclusions. Films and televsions have been notorious in dissementing images of racial minorities which establish for audiences what these groups look like, how they behave and in essence who they are. Another important perhaps central dimensions of racial minority streotype is sex gender differentiation. women of color were sometimes treated as erotic sex objects. such a comment revelas an interesting aspects about myths and reality in american culture. the imporatance of raceShow MoreRelatedHow Should One Define The American Identity?1642 Words  | 7 PagesHow should one define the American Identity? The American Identity should be defined as multicultural individuals who commit to similar common values, ideas, beliefs, and personal freedom rather than being defined by race, ethnic identity, and religion. Our common values, ideas, and beliefs depend on the core structure of the American government: the Constitution, which provides freedom, equality, and independence. 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