Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Weather - Japanese Vocabulary
Climate - Japanese Vocabulary Regardless of whether you arranging an outing to Japan or bantering in Japanese class, no matter what, youll need to figure out how to discuss the climate. Snap the connections to hear the elocution for each climate related Japanese jargon word or expression. Japanese Weather Vocabulary Climate tenki Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ °â€" Atmosphere kikou æ °â€"候 Temperature ondo æ ¸ ©Ã¥ º ¦ Bright rabbit æ™'ã‚Å" Overcast kumori ã ã‚‚ã‚š Downpour ame é› ¨ Day off yuki é› ª Thunder kaminari é› · Tempest arashi Ã¥ µ Mist kiri éÅ" § Helpful Expressions Related to the Weather How is the weather?Tenki wa dou desu ka.Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ °â€"㠯㠩㠆㠧㠙㠋。 The climate is nice.Yoi tenki desu.よã „å ¤ ©Ã¦ °â€"㠧㠙。 Its sunny.Harete imasu.æ™'ã‚Å"㠦ã „㠾㠙。 Its cloudy.Kumotte imasu.曇㠣㠦ã „㠾㠙。 Its raining.Ame ga futte imasu.é› ¨Ã£ Å"é™ ã £Ã£ ¦Ã£ „㠾㠙。 Its snowing.Yuki ga futte imasu.é› ªÃ£ Å"é™ ã £Ã£ ¦Ã£ „㠾㠙。 Its hot.Atsui desu.æš'㠄㠧㠙。 Its humid.Mushiatsui desu.è' ¸Ã£ â€"æš'㠄㠧㠙。 Its cold.Samui desu.Ã¥ ¯'㠄㠧㠙。 Its warm.Atatakai desu.æšâ€"㠋㠄㠧㠙。 Its cool.Suzushii desu.æ ¶ ¼Ã£ â€"㠄㠧㠙。 Its windyKaze ga tsuyoi desu.é ¢ ¨Ã£ Å"Ã¥ ¼ ·Ã£ „㠧㠙。
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Scent of Apples by Bienvenido Santos
The air inside Celestial Bias' segregated home was perfumed with the remote aroma of apples. The foreigner had been living in Kalamazoo for over 20 years when he met a speaker from his local land who had gone to the US to address; he drove out to the city hear this man. The group's inquiries during the open gathering fixated on Bias' nation of origin. To this AIBO stands and inquires as to whether the ladies presently were a similar 20 years back and the teacher reacts that they were. From that point AIBO welcomes the instructor to supper with his American spouse, Ruth, and his child, Roger.The following day AIBO gets the speaker from the lodging and drives him to a ranch east of the city into a tough street that drove into a disconnected homestead. It held a disintegrating and shanty home. AIBO thinks back about his time in the Philippines and the speaker eats with the cordial family. As the supper closes, so does the Bias' time with his lone connection back home. The teacher says f arewell and offers to give Bias' slants to his family in the Philippines, which AIBO considerately decreases saying that no one would recall him in any case and lets the speaker go.Ovenbird Canton's â€Å"The Scent of Apples†focuses on the nonappearance of the nature of home or the attributes of what makes a spot along these lines, for instance: for a Filipino Collections AIBO there is bounty of apple trees, while for the American men who went out to war there is the nonattendance of incredible frosty breezes and the guarantee of winter; moreover the manner in which Santos portrays the setting further represents this wistfulness and seclusion from home. The nonappearance of home is presented by Canton's portrayal of the, which makes a grave tone by depicting the memory their child who had left to war.He utilizes that setting, the kid being ceaselessly for war, to set up outcast or forlornness; also he includes the young men nonattendance from the recognizable cold breezes, c hanging brilliant leaves, and the scent of apples to additionally detach the parent's from their child. This portrayal when Juxtaposed to Bias' circumstance, being a worker encircled by apple trees in a separated ranch in the US, escalates the idea of outcast in an outside spot. During the talk, the storyteller gets a great deal of inquiries concerning his nation of origin, which he portrays had become a lost nation to his American audience.Here his crowd was made out of for the most part ladies who had lost contact with the men conveyed in the Philippines. Their circumstance is corresponding to Bias's, with his family shutting their entryways after him and his loss of contact with any Filipino for as long as years, which underlines his segregation. Comparing Ruth with the storyteller's editorial on the distinctions of Filipino and American ladies, and Bias' depiction of Filipino ladies involves that there might be no contrasts between these gatherings of ladies at all.To underline Remarking on Ruth being portrayed like a Filipino, she remains with AIBO even near the very edge of death, while she herself was pregnant. The she perhaps home that he finds in the US. According to the setting, his connect to the Philippines does not persevere anymore and the supper with storyteller was the Bias' soiree with his old home, yet his being discharged go into the cold and dull toward the end infers that AIBO despite everything Bias' shanty home underlines this segregation in a state of banishment too, since the house is found alone in the midst of an apple plantation miles from the city.The storyteller depicted the excursion from Kalamazoo to the ranch to be endless; they vanished created shrubberies, passed restricted paths with ugly, fruitless land canvassed in weeds, dead leaves and dry earth. Santos meaner to speak to Bias' good ways from home through the wearisome outing; besides the fruitless land, slender paths and weeds speak to Bias' affiliations in the Philippi nes †he not, at this point had any contact with his family and he has not conversed with different Filipinos in years.The apple trees out yonder stress his being in an outside spot. The peruser is helped to remember this when AIBO remarks on the excellence of pre-winter to which the storyteller answers, â€Å"No such thing in our own nation' and the storyteller ponders the heartless remark and how AIBO more likely than not kept away from this reality inspired by a paranoid fear of being helped to remember his outcast. When they show up at the house the storyteller sees how the house was prepared to crumble.The inside was fruitless and decked with recycled furniture and, the aroma of apples plagued he air †portraying how even in his own home there is the update that he is an outsider. As opposed to his home in the Philippine, greatest one in the Visalia town, which disregarded him. Santos additionally utilizes harvest time to impact the tone of the story. He opens the prin cipal section with the old couple; he utilizes the portrayal of frosty breezes, spooky feet of fallen leaves and happening to down of the cold to subtlety the subject of dejection and abandonment.The harvest time, being a period of fallen leaves and chilly climate forces transient inclination brought by being endlessly from somebody. He likewise this when AIBO brings the storyteller home for supper the setting is depicted to be inadequate and not very chilly, which involves a progressively positive state of mind in the content. Santos utilizes the coming winter, the cold and the dull to additionally feature the sentiment of relinquishment hen the storyteller at last bids farewell to AIBO, commenting that they would most likely never observe each other again.Ovenbird Santos brings to his crowd the slants of sentimentality. The all around made short, â€Å"the Scent of Apples†very well explains the dejection of a settler. He does this through how he builds up the setting, thro ugh how he sets up the phase for the characters to move around and for the crowd to improve feel of what Santos expected to give. The depression is unmistakable in the setting and his utilization of it offers nuance to the topic disconnection in a state of banishment.
Friday, August 21, 2020
blather and beyond Richmond Writing
blather and beyond Richmond Writing Whether were talking about the intimate triviality of personal twitters, the foamy rants of a racist blog, or insightful analysis by an average citizen, we are hearing more and more about social networking tools and the ways they are deployed whether we use them or not. Far from being effaced by web-based networking, face-to-face often conversation seems to be inspired by these new tools as we explore them. Yes, we are spending more time communicating online, but we are also seem to be discussing these tools in more regular face-to-face conversations: why we avoid them or how we use them, and what we learn from them in terms of information as well as technical skill. Though the blowhards and the blather often fill the sensational spotlight, a close reader can find many thoughtful and worthwhile blogs, videos and other work but the going is thick and critical judgment must be sharp. In spite of the blowhard blather, there can be no doubt about the importance of these new media of writing. Politically, the blogosphere is a significant source of public discourse, opinion and information sharing sometimes with serious consequences. A recent example of this occurred with a Richmond graduate named Adnan Hajizada who has been beaten and jailed for making a humorous political commentary video. His incarceration demonstrates the threat these new tools represent to repressive power especially when deployed with humor, the terror of tyrants. Type Adnans name into the Technorati Search for blogs and it comes up with 18 hits in at least a dozen languages. These blogs and the other new social networking tools we are using will play a central role in his release, and will begin to redefine power relationships around the world as users continue to connect, share, coordinate, plan and act with far greater rapidity and accuracy than ever before. It might even be argued that to have a significant voice in this rapidly expanding, more democratic realm of exchange, a growing mastery of traditional alphabetic literacy will remain a necessity but it will need to be enhanced with courage, an openness to media experimentation, fresh thinking and close attention to what is unfolding around and within us. They wont take us to utopia, but the nexus of these networks can be a powerful tool to bring us to a more humane and sustainable future. The social networking tools of Web 2.0 are bedeviled with blather and other nonsense, but not all blather is predictable.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Open Primary Definition and List of Open Primary States
A primary is the method political parties use in the U.S. to nominate candidates for elected office. The winners of the primaries in the two-party system become the party nominees, and they face each other in the election, which is held in November in even-numbered years. But not all primaries are the same. There are open primaries and closed primaries, and several kinds of primaries in between the two. Perhaps the most talked-about primary in modern history is the open primary, which advocates say encourages voter participation. More than a dozen states hold open primaries. An open primary is one in which voters can take part in either the Democratic or Republican nominating contests regardless of their party affiliation, as long as they are registered to vote. Voters registered with third-parties and independents are also allowed to take part in open primaries. An open primary is the opposite of a closed primary, in which only registered members of that party can take part. In a closed primary, in other words, registered Republicans are allowed to vote only in the Republican primary, and registered Democrats are allowed to vote only in the Democratic primary. Voters registered with third-parties and independents are not permitted to take part in closed primaries. Support for Open Primaries Supporters of the open primary system argue that it encourages voter participation and leads to greater turnout at the polls. A growing segment of the U.S. population is not affiliated with either the Republican or Democratic parties, and is therefore blocked from taking part in closed presidential primaries. Supporters also argue that holding an open primary leads to the nomination of more centrist and less ideologically pure candidates who have broad appeal. Mischief in Open Primary States Allowing voters of any party to take part in either the Republican or Democratic presidential primary often invites mischief, commonly referred to as party-crashing. Party-crashing occurs when voters of one party support the most polarizing candidate in the other partys primary to bolster the chances that it will nominate someone unelectable to general election voters in November, according to the nonpartisan Center for Voting and Democracy in Maryland. In the 2012 Republican primaries, for example, Democratic activists launched a somewhat organized effort to prolong the GOP nomination process by voting for Rick Santorum, an underdog, in states that held open primaries. That effort, called Operation Hilarity, was organized by activist Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, the founder and publisher of , a popular blog among liberals and Democrats. The longer this GOP primary drags on, the better the numbers for Team Blue, Moulitsas wrote. In 2008, many Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary because they felt she had less of a chance of defeating presumed Republican nominee John McCain, a U.S. senator from Arizona. 15 Open Primary States There are 15 states that allow voters to privately selected which primaries in which to participate. A registered Democrat, for example, could choose to cross party lines and vote for a Republican candidate. Critics argue that the open primary dilutes the parties’ ability to nominate. Supporters say this system gives voters maximal flexibilityâ€â€allowing them to cross party linesâ€â€and maintains their privacy, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Those 15 states are:  AlabamaArkansasGeorgiaHawaiiMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNorth DakotaSouth CarolinaTexasVermontVirginiaWisconsin 9 Closed Primary States There are nine states that require primary voters to be registered with the party in whose primary they are participating. These closed-primary states also prohibit independent and third-party voters from voting in primaries and helping the parties choose their nominees. This system generally contributes to a strong party organization, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. These closed-primary states are:  DelawareFloridaKentuckyMarylandNevadaNew MexicoNew YorkOregonPennsylvania Other Types of Primaries There are other, more hybrid types of primaries that are neither fully open or completely closed. Heres a look at how those primaries work and the states that use these methods. Partially Closed Primaries: Some states leave it up to the parties themselves, which operate the primaries, to decide if independent and third-party voters can participate. These states include Alaska; Connecticut; Connecticut; Idaho; North Carolina; Oklahoma; South Dakota; and Utah. Nine other states allow independents to vote in party primaries: Arizona; Colorado; Kansas; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; Rhode Island; and West Virginia. Partially Open Primaries: Voters in partially open primary states are allowed to choose which partys candidates they are nominating, but they must either publicly declare their selection or register with the party in whose primary they are participating. These states include: Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Ohio; Tennessee; and Wyoming.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The War Against Evaluative Essay Topics
The War Against Evaluative Essay Topics Understanding people comes in a great deal of flavors. Personal views aren't accepted and it shouldn't be stated. The aim of the process evaluation is to see whether the program is meeting its intended objectives. It is the process of determining the worth of a program. Formative evaluations are evaluations that happen during the procedure. An informal evaluation does not need to be done by means of a supervisor or someone in upper management. What You Should Do to Find Out About Evaluative Essay Topics Before You're Left Behind Deciding upon the correct topic is significant because the more clear the topic is, the simpler it is going to be to pinpoint the benefits and disadvantages connected with it. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. They can research about latest developments as well as future possibilities in certain subject. They must make sure that their topic will meet the word limit. The Fight Against Evaluative Essay Topics When there is another historical movie I would like to watch it and to learn more about it. Genre is the thing that dictates the way the movie will be classified at the video shop. The movie is wholly engaging since it's graphics and emotions indicates that the movie is very worth to watch. Analyze the way the movie compares to previous films on the exact same topic. Evaluative Essay Topics - Dead or Alive? For example, Nielsen and Molich's heuristics would be too general to rate the usability of designs meant for online communities or cellular devices where the working environment is continually changing. Therefore, you only ought to select a topic you know or understand well or a minumum of one that has a lot of research information which can help you write effectively. Provide background information regarding your topic or subject before you commence evaluating. You have to become conscious of your behavior as a way to change it. If you attempt to squeeze deep understanding into your current cycles, you are going to attempt to push it too fast, and inadequate information will result. Moreover, ideas have to be supported by examples. There are a great deal of places you are able to go online, or you'll be able to take the opportunity to go to the library to locate ideas about advantages and disadvantages topics. People today achieve that larger purpose in lots of various ways, following a range of distinct philosophies. Evaluative Essay Topics Explained Make an outline An outline is an easy plan showing how you mean to present the review. You need to provide the audience enough info to back up your thesis later so take thorough notes. It's important to pick the ideal interval for your particular project. Nevertheless, it's still important to stay subjective to give the ideal evaluation on a thesis, query or subject. What will have to be included in your essay will differ based on your level. You're lucky since there are tips that you could follow and serve as your guidelines in writing the lengthy essay. One more thing you've got to contemplate is whether the origin of the essay is reliable. The very best evaluation essay topics ought to be narrow and ought to concentrate on a particular region of interest in the place of a broader one. Life, Death and Evaluative Essay Topics When one writes a personal sort of essay, the initial impression is the fact that it is entirely devoted to self expression and devoid of any sort of technicality. If deafness was caused by accident or disease it isn't in any degree inheritable. You're a spiritual being, you've got an intellect, you dwell in a tangible body. When it has to do with their research, the outcome needs to be coherent addressing a particular issue answering their research question. The outcome evaluation has the ability to assess the changing attitudes and understanding of the target audience. There is a particular quantity of self awareness one should have to be able to evaluate her or his own. Becoming critical to oneself is not a simple job, which means you may look at a self evaluation paper is aimed to develop the capability to criticize your personality.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Descriptive Essay Example free essay sample
We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have a degree and no one would ever ask for help. But here at Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to help out students in any way, so that those who struggle can do well and be successful. These mentors don’t just lecture, they take the time to make sure students understand and comprehend what is being taught. Tutors are at hand for a variety of subjects, some have appointments for one on one time and others are for use at one’s convenience. The best part is, students don’t have to search for a tutor, or post flyers saying â€Å"HELP NEEDED. †CHC has a Tutoring Center, completely free, which is easy to find and a perfect environment to learn and study. Although Crafton is a large campus, finding classes and certain buildings isn’t so hard with a few directions. In order to find the Tutoring Center, it is necessary to know and understand the layout of the college. The most prominent building on campus is the LRC, Learning Resource Center, where the Tutoring Center, Lecture Hall, Library, Teaching Center and other services are obtainable. The campus is shaped like a long chain, and the LRC is located behind the chain closest to Student Services offices. It is the newest edition on campus, and its appearance is very up to date and modern. The LRC has replaced the old library in an outstanding way. This center is 3 stories tall, with large glass paneled walls on all sides. Entranceways are at use on opposing sides of the building, depending which direction you are coming from. But the main entry is through the large glass double doors on the eastern side of the LRC. Once inside, one will be standing in a grand hallway, with cream marble floors and tall neutral colored walls. There are two doors on the left which lead to an auditorium, and two doors on the right which are bathrooms. Keep walking forward and in view will be a large opening on the right hand side; this is the library. The library can be of great use to students, so let’s take a few moments to look over this area. Besides the Tutoring Center, the library is also very resourceful and entirely useful. It’s filled with computers, private rooms, a small auditorium, a copy room and thousands of books (which are found on the top floor of the LRC). Writing tutors will encourage students to visit the library, especially when it comes to research papers. Now, continuing on to the Tutoring Center, a few more steps and you have reached a set of stairs that lead downward. Down these twenty or so steps is the Tutoring Center. After reaching the bottom, there is a small doorway to the left and a sign that says â€Å"Welcome to the Tutoring Center! †, as a confirmation that one is indeed in the right place. The Tutoring Center is a large rectangle shaped room, with small separate glass enclosed rooms around the edges. The rooms on the left and right are offices of some professors an instructors, while the back wall has some small rooms for study groups and private tutoring lessons, with one very large room painted bright yellow. A front desk is located to the immediate right once entered. Here is where anyone can receive information about the Tutoring Center and view waiting lists for certain subject tutors; flyers and booklets are also free to take. The center of the room has two long tables with twenty computers on both sides for student use, and on each side of those tables are four small square tables with four chairs each for groups or alone work. These separate tables also have power outlets so students can bring laptops or tablets. A student doesn’t have to make an appointment to see a tutor, they can put their name on the waiting list, or just ask a tutor who is not busy at that moment. Help is always available here. Learning specialists are available for english, math, writing and other specific classes; some tutors are multi subject oriented. Student workshops are also optional for use. This includes MLA/APA format information, note-taking tips, conducting research, study skills, and test-taking strategies. DLA, directed learning activities, can be done as well. These help in strengthening particular english skills and some teachers even accept them as extra credit. Helpful coordinators can be found in the TC who plan summer programs, such as the bridge program, which helps students who are enrolled in pre-req english and math classes; and this helps the tutoring center by bringing in more students. The library is not the only section of the LRC that holds books, the TC has a textbook for every english, math and science class as a reference for CHC students. On busy days, one can find the TC completely filled with students, and still there is available help. Groups of students help others and the tutors are still around for support and confirmation of ideas. People who aren’t proficient in a general field learn through others and eventually can help others with the same problems that they once had. Many students have found the Tutoring Center to be of great use, for many reasons besides tutoring. It’s located right on campus, and is open for most of the school day, which means anyone can stop by before class, after class and in between classes. Despite it’s name, students don’t have to go to the Tutoring Center for tutor help. It’s a great place to study, work on homework, and a few tutors are available for immediate help if there is no time to wait. The center is a student-oriented environment with people dedicated to helping any student with a problems or questions. If some spare time is in hand, stop by the Tutoring Center, so it’s features and helpfulness will be fresh in mind.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Abraham Lincoln Essays (798 words) - Abraham Lincoln,
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln On this section I'm going to discuss how Abarham Lincoln effected the Cavalryman's Account. Well it began on April 24,1865, when 26 men were chosen to go to Washington to pursuit John Wilkes booth. During this time Abarham Lincoln was shot at the theatre (fords theatre). This made the portland journal. There were several men sent to bowling greens Virginia, on the hunt for the assassinates. the men stood at a barn several miles from the Royal Port. They signaled the troops to surround the barn. Booths was in the barn with David E. Harold and he told the general in command that their plan was to kidnap president Lincoln not to kill him and that Booth took it apon him self to kill him, he also stated that if he didn't help him escape Booth was going to kill him as well. Later the solders discovered that Booth was shoot in the neck by a detective in the barn. As you can see Abarham Lincoln was assassinated by Booth for his position but he took the easy was out by death even though he didn't kill himself but he didn't have to go through the system and in the other hand Mr.Harold escaped and was not given any charge what so ever. There are other theories about Lincoln's death and much of them accused Andrew Jackson because he was never in the hotel room with Lincoln nor was his secretary and that lead to some sort of conspiracy. Also others say that the assassination also could have been caused by Domestic bankers, Financiers and business men, Copper heads, some group of the Radical Republicans that could have either done it on their own or with the help of Edwin Stanon. There are even suspicion about the B'nail B'rith and the Nights of the Golden Circle, as well the major known as Henry R. Rathbone, John F. Parker and last but not least Mary Todd Lincoln which has not totally been eliminated from suspicion. Mary Todd Lincoln was Lincoln's wife she married him when she was a nobody she didn't get in to her profession. Know the suspicions came because when Abarham got elected in 1860, many justification were made because of the movement her husband was making, which was making allies with the African Americans and threats were made and many nasty rumors were made with were very personal. I guess she had just about enough and wanted to have and gain her respect back. Her son was death in 1862 drove her even more insane. Then her other son pasted away in 1871 and she just freaked and all that was in her mind was illusions of murder and other proverties that drove her mad. And then she died in the house of her sister, in Spring field where she got married with Mr. Lincoln 40 years before. Abraham lincoln really stood for the Union. At this time the civil war was just going to start because of the surrender on Fort Sumter about four slave states joined voluntary with 75,000 others they joined the Confederacy the only other bad out come was that four other slave states stayed with the Union. For the Conferral group he promised a Emancipation Proclamation to free all slaves, not all slaves were freed but many were and the reason for it was because it depended on the state were they worked\lived because many states were fighting agenist the Union; nor did it work for the slaves that lived in the south which were already under the Union control. Lincoln declared the freedom of slaves on January 1, of 1863, from the rebellion of and ageinst the federal government and showed the world that the civil war was being fought to end slavery. If it wasn't for the 13th Amendment non of the movement s would have been successful. Now I will discus the Civil War and why was the war happened. The war was the war to decide whether the unfined Union would continue or be shattered forever. This War was the only war where the Americans became so angre with the legal and political system and the only way they thought they could have ended and resolve their differences was by war. I think that the war could have be avoided if they had different people in power and if the election had better leaders. One of the big offendsions was the book named Uncle Toms Cabin, the reason for that is because of the inpact it did
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The Da Vinci Code and religion
The Da Vinci Code and religion I read this book "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown during summer I didn't want to read this book at first, because I had avoided this book for the longest time because frankly the idea of a convoluted thriller around the Holy Grail did not appeal to me (I enjoyed watching "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"; it was very hilarious movie). I considered myself for being non-religious for long time, and I didn't care anything about religious before I read this book.A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ. The victim is a high-ranking agent of this ancient society who, in the moments before his death, manages to leave gruesome clues at the scene that only his granddaughter, noted cryptographer Sophie Neveu, and Robert Langdon, a famed symbolist, can untangle.Michi SophieThe duo becomes both suspects and detectives searching for not only Neveu's grandfathe r's murderer but also the stunning secret of the ages he was charged to protect. Mere steps ahead of the authorities and the deadly competition, the mystery leads Neveu and Langdon on a breathless flight through France, England, and history itself. The plot gathers speed as Sophie and Langdon escape from the police to begin a hunt for further clues. The story unveils mysteries of the Knights Templar, Opus Dei, the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Grail. The tale is told of such historical giants as Boticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo and Claude Debussy (to name just a few) who have over the centuries been charged with holding the secrets of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ's offspring and the noble lineage of Mary herself.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
DIRECTORIAL COLLAGE and CASTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
DIRECTORIAL COLLAGE and CASTING - Essay Example She finally gets lost in the street as she looks for something that she cannot even remember. Sometimes, we can choose to let other people to fight for our rights, like the people airing their problems and opinions to the governor to be at times we choose to sit in the back seat and readily let other people control our lives while others choose to take the bull by horns like the one contesting to be the next governor of the state. He sees a chance to make a change and difference in his own life and grabs it with both hands. Sometimes in life we want to go with flow, we want to imitate and be like the individuals we see on the television. The gym instructor makes a living out of trying to make people to look like the advertisements on the television. This can lead you onto a world that doesn’t exist since most of what we see on the television and advertisements is not real. Attention can also be very soothing to the soul, and that is why the girl at the party wishes she could get all the attention and somehow feels like she is dead when nobody is listening to
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Industrial uses for hemp Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Industrial uses for hemp - Research Paper Example Due to this reason, hemp cultivation has been banned by the federal law in the United States, with China being the largest legal cultivator of hemp for industrial use. This, surprisingly, is a great loss as hemp has great industrial uses. Hemp is used to make about 25000 different products. Apart from the traditional uses in well-known products like rope, twine, nets, canvas bags and carpets, the fiber from the hemp plant can also be used in the production of textiles for apparel, diapers, sheets, towels, tents, drapes, knapsacks and shoes. Surprisingly enough, the first Levi's jeans were made out of hemp fibers and were stronger and possessed better quality. Hemp oil possesses the property of oxidizing as soon as it comes in contact with direct air, and if not stored properly, can become rancid. The proper way of storing the oil is to place it in a dark glass bottle and refrigerate or freeze. Due to this quality, hemp oil is used in manufacturing oil-based paints. They help the pain t to quickly dry out and yet have an oily/wet effect when sealed open. Linseed oil possesses the same quality and is used in the paint industry as a substitute. Hemp oil is also a great moisturizer, and is thus used in the production of moisturizing creams and is used in the cosmetic industry to make creams, lipsticks, foundations, mascaras etc. Its healing and inflammatory properties trigger its use in the production of lip balms and freckle, anti-blemish creams for facial purposes. Hemp is also used to create ropes of varying strengths. Hemp, in its natural form, appears very similar to the linen cloth. Its twigs are braided together to make ropes. The strengths of the ropes can be varied by changing proportions of the organic fibers being used in making the rope. Hemp happens to be a strong fiber and thus as its proportion is increased, the rope gains more strength. Hemp is also used to manufacture cloth, blending it with other fibers to like cotton and silk to add strength to th e cloth and give it a more ever lasting effect. Hemp, in its neat form, with very little addition of other organic fibers, is used to make everlasting fabric, making it strong and difficult to tear apart. Hemp seeds are an essential for the animal/bird feed industry. According to a survey in 2003, it was discovered that more than 95% of hemps sold in the entire European Union is used as animal or bird feed. Hemp seed is also used by pharmaceuticals as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Its use dates back to the third millennium BC, where hemp was used as a healer to accelerate the healing of all kinds of burns; injuries from the use of fire or lifting hot sum and substance, strong sun burns due to excessive exposure to the sun, etc. It was also used to treat rheumatism, ulcers, asthma, insomnia, migraine and other health problems. Hemp also possesses high nutritional value, and includes high amounts of dietary fiber, calcium and iron. Another unique property of the plant is that i t does not trigger any kind of allergies. Hemp oil can also be used as a supplement to those who are under-nutritioned, relieving symptoms of eczema and the seed contains a high content of omega-3. Surprisingly enough, hemp is also used to make building material, for instance, concrete-like blocks made out of hemp and lime are used as insulators in buildings. Very recently, The Renewable House in the UK, was made using hemp-based materials. Hemp also has the ability to be used as fuel.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Development of Dental Adhesive
Development of Dental Adhesive Dr. Muhammad Zakir, PhD Student Faculty of Dentistry Introduction Dental adhesive are considered as an important products in dentistry not only to provide a good adhesion between dental materials and the tooth structure but also for a good bonding between dental prosthesis and resin cements. The presence of a good dental adhesive between the two dissimilar surface not only increases the longevity of the material but also enhances the mechanical property of the prosthesis. Dental adhesives have been used widely in clinical restorative dentistry resulting in the bonding between the prosthesis and resin materials. Dental materials like zirconia, titanium, Cobalt-chromium alloys, other metal alloys and glass fibres are used as prosthesis and bonded to the tooth structure via resin composites. Many researchers have studied the effect of coupling agents or the adhesive agents used in industries in the dental field, giving good results of bonding between the substrate and resin cement. But, still the main problem remains i.e., that these adhesives are considered hydrolitically unstable when they are subjected to the conditions mimicing the oral cavity. The reason behind the development of novel coupling agents are to somehow increase the longevity of adhesion between the dental materials for the patient. There has been an evolution of the coupling agnets in dentistry as different types of coupling agents are now being used like for e.g., silane coupling agents, zirconia coupling agents, phosphate based coupling agents. Researchers and scientists have been thoroughly working on the enhancement of bonding by modifications of these dental adhesives. Literature Reivew Silanes in dentistry are used as primers for increasing the adhesion between various dental materials and prosthetic substrates. Silanes are also very biocompatible and cost-effective. Different studies have been conducted which have used different silanes for the adhesion of zirconia to resin cements, titanium, to resin cements and glass fibers to resin cements. But still not a single perfect material has been obtained. Some have hydrophilicity problems, some have the problem of reduced bond strength with aging and some have inferior adhesion properties when subjected to the oral conditions. A study done by Matinlinna et al. showed that the bond strength of four experimental silane systems between zirconia and resin cement the 3-acryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane(ACPS), 3-styrylethyltrimethoxysilane(STYRX), 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane(ICS), 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPS) with a cross linking silane monomer bis-1-2-(triethoxysilyl)ethane (BTSE) was higher than the pre-activated dental silane product RelyX ceramic primer [1]. Similarly, another study by Matinlinna et al. stated that the by using some less usual functional monomers as experimental primers can enhance the bonding of resin to zirconia as the study proves by stating that 3-Acryloxypropyltrimehoxysilane, 3-glycidoxyproplytrimethoxysilane and styrylethyltrimethoxysilane increase the bonding of resin to zirconia when compared to the pre-activated dental silane product RelyX ceramic primer [2]. Zirconia is a very biocompatible material which has a high wear resistance due to it being dense. The zirconia which is used in dentistry has good mechanical and chemical properties making it a material of choice for many dental applications as it fulfills the functional requirements [3]. In dentistry Zirconia is used mainly as endodontic posts, implant abutments, crowns, bridges and implants. But the bonding of zirconia to resin is weak due to zirconia being an inert material. Thus, to promote the adhesion of zirconia to resins surface conditioning of zirconia is done mainly sandblasting with silica coated alumina particles followed by silanization with a silane coupling agent [4]. Titanium and its alloys are vastly used in the field of dentistry not only due to their biocompatibility but also due to their corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. In dentistry titanium and its alloys are used to make prothesis appliances like metal frameworks for fixed and romovable partial dentures, full crowns, bridges, endodontic posts and dental implants [5,6]. Titanium is cemented after surface treatment by tribochemical silica a type of sandblasting treatment and and then silanized to give good bonding as it is a non-silica based material [7]. One main problem related to this titanium is it’s weak bond to the resin cements. Thus, to cover these problems many methods have been proposed and tested mechanical retention, chemical retention or a combination of both [8]. Problem Statement Although there are quite a few adhesives which promote the bonding of different dental materials to the resin cements but most of them do not have a long term durability and with the passage of time the bond strength decreases leading to the failure of the prostheses due to the harsh oral environment. Therefore, there is a need for such an adhesive/bonding agent which not only has good bond strength but also is hydrolytically stable for a long time and being a long term solution for the patient. Aims and Objectives The aims of these studies will be to enhance the bonding/adhesion between zirconia-resin composite and Titanium – resin composite hydrolytically stable bonding systems: Studying the adhesive properties of a novel silane systems between Ti alloys – resin composites. Studying the adhesive properties of a novel silane systems between Zr alloys – resin composites. References Matinlinna JP, Choi AH, Tsoi JK-H. Bonding promotion of resin composite to silica-coated zirconia implant surface using a novel silane system. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013, 290-296. Matinlinna JP and Lassila LV. Enhanced resin-composite bonding to zirconia framework after pretreatment with selected silane monomers. Dental Materials 27 (2011) 273-280. Matinlinna JP and Mittal KL. Adhesion aspects in dentistry, VSP/Brill, Leiden; 2009. Kaminski HD and Easton AD. Dental Materials Research, Nova Science, New York; 2009; 1-21. Matinlinna JP, Tsoi JK-H, de Vries J. Busscher HJ. Characterization of novel silane coating on titanium implant surfaces. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013, 688-697. Lin J, Shinya A, Gomi H, Matinlinna JP, Shinya A. In vitro evaluation of bonding durability of self-adhesive resin cement to titanium using highly accelerated life test. Dental materials journal 2011, 30 (6): 837-844. Lung CYK and Matinlinna JP. Silanes for adhesion promotion and surface modification. Silane: Chemistry, application and performance, ISBN 978-1-62257-432-2; chapter 3; pages 87-109. Almilhatti HJ, Neppelenbroek KH, Vergani CE, Machado AL, Pavarina AC, Giampolo AC. Adhesive bonding of resin composite to various titanium surfaces using different metal conditioners and surface modification systems. J Appl Oral Sci. 2013;21 (6): 590-596.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Frederick Busch :: Frederick Busch Literature Essays
Frederick Busch When someone asked Emmanuel Sià ©yà ¨s what he'd done during the Reign of Terror, he replied, "I survived."Though the characters in the stories of Frederick Busch's latest collection don't have to contend with quite the same adversities as Monsieur Sià ©yà ¨s, nevertheless they encounter revelations which are, in our modern context, just as terrifying.And more often than not, they survive them. These revelations usually involve the acquisition of knowledge--the sort of knowledge we frequently already possess, but pretend that we don't: parents have lives entirely secret from their children; there is a point beyond which damaged love cannot be repaired; people use other people even when (and as) they love them.The families in these stories create stories of their own, stories about who and what they are as entities--stories which are often at odds with reality, but which help them to deal with the disappointments and tragedies of that reality.Clearly, the title's allusion to Hansel and Gretel invites reading these as stories of innocence lost; and most of the reviews of this oft-reviewed and much-praised collection (it was short listed for the 1995 Pen-Faulkner award) make much of this connection.But these are also stories of the terrifying darkness of adult responsibilities recognized and faced, though not always triumphantly. In "Bread" two children try to put their parents' house together (or perhaps take it apart) after their parents' accidental death; one seeks refuge in sarcasm and denial, while the other makes bread which will never be eaten and thinks on various kinds of "debris": the "still-smoking rubble" of his two-year marriage, the pile of clothes which has "nothing to do with how my mother wore my father's flannel shorts on Sunday to cook in..."In the stylistically innovative "Bring Your Friends to the Zoo," a couple (these are nearly always duets of longing) awkwardly try to dismantle (or remember?) their affair, while being directed by the narrator about how to move, what to see: "Once through the gate, face right.The Deer House, the Camel House ... As you face your right you see a path before you.Take it."The zoo would seem at first neutral ground, but we discover there is no neutrality, no one is the innocent bystander, the one-day tourist.In "Is Anyone Left This Time of Year?" tourism of another kind is explored when a recently widowed man visits a town where there are no more tourists, and once there, shell-shocked with grief, he merely repeats everything said to him, thus becoming an echo of his previous visits; absolutely passive, he is the compleat tourist, merely and only "seeing" the sights.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) Essay
This was achieved by combing all the organization strength into one. General Mills brought massive manufacturing capabilities, excellence in products and production process, and diversified portfolio of products. Nestle brought feeding the world, selling in all countries and deep understanding of international marketing and distribution. With the upstream value chain, CPW will need to centralize procurement on raw materials for all its manufacturing operations. By using this strategy will receive CPW more of the bargaining power when dealing with suppliers. This will result in lower costs and better opportunities for future suppliers. With the downstream of the value chain regarding marketing/sales & distribution and having these parts of the organization decentralized, this will give CPW competitive advantage over competitors. This will give CPW the ability to market variety of different product to certain individual consumers. When one compares both advantages over CPW and Kellogg with the value chain, it can see which has the better-perceived customer value. Kellogg had the better value added chain; this was shown by comparing advantages over CPW. By looking at the advantages compared with both companies, this can explain why Kellogg is more of a market lead in international business strategy. The two best blue ocean strategy would be having a stand-alone store and partnering up with a fitness centre to form a private label. With having a stand-alone or a private label, this will give CPW to connect with their health-conscious consumer. Another benefit of doing a private label is a decrease in cost relative brand marketing. This gives CPW to focus on the quality of the product to increase brand loyalty and confidence. To increase sales volumes, CPW needs to improve on penetrating into their market using a glocalization strategy. There are five areas that CPW can work on marketing and brand strategy, strengthening core brands, Innovation and new product launch, new global brands, and merger and acquisition. This will give CPW more of a presence in their market and be able to act like an international and local provider to their consumer base. How can General Mills and Nestlà © create international competitiveness by joining forces with CPW?General Mills and Nestle need to leverage the value chain in their joint venture to gain market share. This can be done by centralizing upstream activities and decentralizing downstream activities. Adjusting how these activities are undertaken in the portfolio of international markets will enable the joint partnership to better leverage their core competencies. The CPW Value ChainThe CPW value chain consists of upstream and downstream activities. The CPW partnership divided the upstream and downstream activities to better leverage General mills and Nestle core competencies. With General Mills strengths concentrated in the upstream with their Massive manufacturing capabilities, Excellence in products and production process, and Diversified portfolio of products. This combination of core competencies makes them ideal to handle the upstream processes. Nestle is the world’s largest food manufacturer and specialize in making sure the world gets fed.CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008) Their core competencies are focused on the downstream and consist of Feeding the world Selling in all countries Deep understanding of international marketing and distribution An understanding of the CPW joint venture value chain can help create international competiveness. Centralization of the Upstream Activities. Upstream actives for the current joint venture are a combination of primary and support activities. Competitive advantage in upstream and support activates often grow more out of the entire system of countries in which a firm competes than from its position in any single country CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008). The CPW partnership can start by centralizing procurement of raw materials for all of its manufacturing operations. Doing this will enable them to achieve greater bargain power over suppliers and thus lower their costs. Maybe insert something about production planning and combine it with the creation and tweaking of current products for individual markets. De-centralizing downstream ActivitiesNestle specializes in feeding the world. They are unbelievable at delivering quality products to multiple international markets. The CPW partnership needs to decentralize this part of the operation. Downstream activities create competitive advantages that are largely out of local activities and create entry/mobility barriers in that country alone. CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008) Decentralizing the marketing/sales and distribution of the products will enable the team to target individual tasks in the downstream value chain to gain competitive advantage over the competition. For instance, a product might not be right for a certain market and a de-centralized marketing department would be better equipped to pick up on that and make changes better suited to the local consumer. The CPW partnership was created to leverage the core competencies of the two companies. Carol can use this to her advantage by centralizing the upstream activities and decentralizing the downstream activities. CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008) Doing this will enable multiple competitive advantages to be created in the overall value chain. Evaluate the international competitiveness of CPW compared to the Kellogg Company.Kellogg Background InformationKellogg organization has been able to be the number one manufacturer spot. They have achieved this by adopting an international strategy at beginning of their start up. This led to Kellogg organization, the pathway to developing a strong brand globally and concentrate on their core competence of their business. Also, Kellogg was able to market their products effectively with all region they desired to sell to. Having this effectively marketing plan, Kellogg was able to have a strong presence in all regions. CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008)Value ChainTo compare international competitiveness the value chain is the best way to evaluate the advantages, and each organization has over the other. Kellogg AdvantagesDeveloped their international strategy at an early stage of the business. This has helped Kellogg develop connects in the international business field which helps with relative costs. Perceived Value could be higher than CPW with more presence in the international market. Comparing sales volumes and market share are higher this has led to advantage with Economic of scale. Having production flexibility, better coordination of the whole value chain. Faster implementation of new ideas on products to the market place CPW AdvantagesMore of a market leader in countries other than North America. Well known partner Nestle on collaborating with products to various regions and countries. Has a strong and leading brand with General Mills. By looking at the advantages compared with both companies, this can explain why Kellogg is more of a market lead in international business strategy. Suggest how CPW can create a blue-ocean strategy.In a fast evolving modern society, consumers begin to step away from traditional breakfast meals. The reasons are the lack of time available in the morning, or the increased popularity of fad diets, and trends. In order to keep up with a saturated market of breakfast options, CPW needs to consider the following blue-ocean strategies. First Strategy: Stand-alone storeThe first strategy is to open stand-alone breakfast cereal stores. The stores would offer a variety of breakfast cereals produced by Nestle and General Mills Inc. for the healthy conscious consumers on the go. A number of options would be offered with the purchase of cereal, such as a variety of dairy and non-dairy products, sugar and sugar substitutes, including cane sugar, brown sugar and liquid sugar. Other add-ons to cer eal will include fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts, and seeds to appeal to the growing health-conscious consumer demographic. CPW will offer a variety of breakfast bars for consumers who still want the quality of breakfast cereal. This will attract consumers do not possess the time to sit down and to have the traditional morning breakfast, another option exists. In order to entice brand new and returning consumers, a loyalty program will be introduced, such as stamp cards, in order to receive discounts and free products. Second Strategy: Partnership with fitness centresThe second strategy is to join a partnership with fitness centres such as Steve Nash and Club 16, and offer its members the variety of CPW cereals or breakfast bars. Many of the fitness centres are open 24/7 or open early, so a number of consumers who use their services choose to forfeit their breakfast for attending a fitness centre. This is an ideal target market for CPW, because the company is trying to appeal to a health-conscious consumer with the healthier cereals, and breakfast bars, which are becoming increasingly popular. Where and how can CPW create further international sales growth?General Mills and Nestle have been able to use their international strengths of their organizations to become number two in most of their industry. This has been able to be successful by using the CPW’s 50% stakeholder positon that General Mills owns. CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008) For CPW to continue to grow in the international cereal market, there are a few countries that are not being completely penetrated into the cereal market. This can be seen by the chart below comparing the per capita consumption per year (kg) with the following listed regions CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008) CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008)For CPW to have further international sales growth, the bottom four regions have a better penetration strategy. This can be done through marketing and brand strategy, strengthening core brands, Innovation and new product launch, new global brands, and merger and acquisition. Marketing and Brand StrategyIn the past, the level of sugar levels in cereals have had a negative impact with the consumers that purchase cereal worldwide. CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008) To reverse this impact and to attract more consumers CPW should be using a health marketing and brand strategy. CPW needs to be able to show and tell that CPW has changed their cereals to fit the everyday health-conscious consumer. Strengthening Core BrandingWith exists, brands in regions CPW needs to establish a better brands awareness to their consumers. This can be achieved by continuing using marketing campaigns. The way that these campaigns will affect the sales growth will be better connecting to CPW consumers. CPW needs to a better understanding of what their consumers want out of breakfast cereal. This can be done through celebrity endorsements with some of their cereal brands. New Global BrandsCPW will be able to increase their sales by using a golocalization strategy for all regions. The way CPW succeed in this is my looking at each of these regions and seeing the local customer needs, culture, and local markets. Doing this CPW will have a better understanding of why South-West Europe, South- East Asia, Russia, and China are considerably lower Per Capita Consumption Per Year (kg) compared to the other regions. Innovation and New Product Launch CPW needs to continue using the value-added chain, so CPW continually develops new innovated products that reach a variety of consumers. This will keep CPW ahead of their competition and to keep existing and add new potential consumer. By keeping their existing and new potential consumers, CPW will be able to increase their sales. For example; city dwellers are more on the go and need some that they can just pick up and go. A perfect product for this would be a cereal bar for the on the go worker. Merger and AcquisitionThe growth of cost for branded products has led to private label products which have seen up to a 30% increase. CITATION Har08 l 1033 (Hollensen, 2008) This is a huge opportunity that CPW can do for their international marketing by concentrating on the brand identity. This will increase brand loyalty and confidence that CPW lacks with a few of their regions. CPW has seen success in using this strategy with their Australia. CPW achieved this by partnering up with Unc le Toby’s if CPW does this with South-West Europe, South- East Asia, Russia, and China it will have a huge increase in sales. ConclusionCereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) combined forces with General Mills and Nestle in order to create more international competitiveness. With the upstream value chain, CPW will need to centralize procurement on raw materials for all its manufacturing operations. This way CPW will have improve their upstream value chain. The downstream of the value chain needs to be decentralized regarding marketing/sales & distribution. This will give CPW more of a competitor advantages when selling products to variety of consumers. When one compares both advantages over CPW and Kellogg with the value chain, it can see which has the better-perceived customer value. Kellogg had the better value added chain; this was shown by comparing advantages over CPW. By looking at the advantages compared with both companies, this can explain why Kellogg is more of a market lead in international business strategy. The two best blue ocean strategy would be having a stand-alone store and partnering up with a fitness centre to form a private label. With having a stand-alone or a private label, this will give CPW to connect with their health-conscious consumer. Another benefit of doing a private label is a decrease in cost relative brand marketing. This gives CPW to focus on the quality of the product to increase brand loyalty and confidence. To increase sales volumes, CPW needs to improve on penetrating into their market using a glocalization strategy. There are five areas that CPW can work on marketing and brand strategy, strengthening core brands, Innovation and new product launch, new global brands, and merger and acquisition. This will give CPW more of a presence in their market and be able to act like an international and local provider to their consumer base. Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Hollensen, S. &. (2008). Essentials of Global Marketing. Harlow, Essex, England: Pearson Education.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay on How Popular Culture Affects Race - 1347 Words
HOW POPULAR CULTURE AFFECTS RACE The popular culture particularly visual media affects our opions and attitude towards race and racial minorities group. our assumptions about race and racial minorities are both successeded and reflected in the streotypes presented by the visual media. i strongly believe in the George Gebners scientific examintaiton of televison that how we perceive ourselves and how we view those around us are affected by what we see on television. Visual media has such a heavy impact on us that even though they present a grossly distorted picture of the real world. people tend to accept more readily than reality itslef. the popular culture deals with symbolic realm of social life, the image which it creates, represents†¦show more content†¦the other was the imbalances created in the televison between black and white community. it teaches young black to accept minority status as noticebely inevietable and even deserved. television also overrepresent and glamourize the elite occupation that sets up unrealistic expectations and largely neglects portraying the occupation such as farmers, factory workers and small businessman. On television 55% of characters are involved in the violent conforontation once a week in reality figure is less than 1 % creating a fear of crime. the way the race and the racial minority groups are represented in television they contribute to the overall racial climate.The historical results have been distinct and different groups have encountered unique forms of racial opression. Native american faced genocide , blacks were subjected to slavery, mexicans were invaded and asians faced exclusions. Films and televsions have been notorious in dissementing images of racial minorities which establish for audiences what these groups look like, how they behave and in essence who they are. Another important perhaps central dimensions of racial minority streotype is sex gender differentiation. women of color were sometimes treated as erotic sex objects. such a comment revelas an interesting aspects about myths and reality in american culture. the imporatance of raceShow MoreRelatedHow Should One Define The American Identity?1642 Words  | 7 PagesHow should one define the American Identity? The American Identity should be defined as multicultural individuals who commit to similar common values, ideas, beliefs, and personal freedom rather than being defined by race, ethnic identity, and religion. Our common values, ideas, and beliefs depend on the core structure of the American government: the Constitution, which provides freedom, equality, and independence. 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