Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Preacher Ruminates Behind The Sermon (Analysis and...
Without a Hand to Hold Analysis and Interpretation of The Preacher Ruminates: Behind the Sermon Gwendolyn Brooks The Preacher Ruminates: Behind the Sermon gives an eerie look into a ministers mind. Indeed the poems premise is made clear from the opening line: It must be lonely to be God (1). The poem proceeds to note that while God is a much-revered and respected figure, he has no equal. The preachers revelation provides the reader a unique perspective into religion. Brooks points out due to Gods position of omniscience, it is not possible for a figure like Him to have friends. Throughout Brooks poem, the preacher implores the reader for answers to his questions, finally concluding that to be God is indeed a lonely life and†¦show more content†¦Some of these words evoke very strong emotions. The word reverence makes me imagine a crowd of worshipping masses, as it means feelings of deep respect or devotion (Reverence). This is a rather obvious conclusion to draw, as the poem at its heart is very much about Gods stature. One can assume that the preacher is probably not o ne to criticize God, given his profession, and thus the praise heaped upon God by the narrator is appropriate. Moving past the very literal early parts of the poem, Brooks shows hints of playfulness, as he asks But who walks with Him? (9) and [to] Buy him a Coca-Cola or a beer (11). When I read the poem for the first time, I immediately wrote off the image of someone buying God a drink as completely ludicrous. Indeed, by simply laughing away the thought, I immediately prove Brooks intended message: One does not buy God a Coca-Cola or a beer; he is above such trifles, and this is a sad thing. The imagery in this stanza is deceptively simple as although it seems to be very straightforward language, it causes the reader to stop and reconsider the force of what has been written. Furthermore, it causes the reader to realize just what sorts of things God is unable to experience: friendship, companionship, and petty amusements. It was at this point in the poem that I fully understood what Brooks was getting atÂâ€"the simple statement that life can be lonely at the top. Also, earlierShow MoreRelated Analysis and Interpretation of \1540 Words  | 7 PagesWithout a Hand to Hold Analysis and Interpretation of The Preacher Ruminates: Behind the Sermon Gwendolyn Brooks The Preacher Ruminates: Behind the Sermon gives an eerie look into a ministers mind. Indeed the poems premise is made clear from the opening line: It must be lonely to be God (1). The poem proceeds to note that while God is a much-revered and respected figure, he has no equal. The preachers revelation provides the reader a unique perspective into religion. Brooks points out
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
All Is Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque
Nathan Brown Quarter 2 Book Report American History My second quarter book was called â€Å"All is Quiet on the Western Front†by Erich Maria Remarque. This book as about a man named, Paul Baumer who is fighting for Germany in World War 1. He and a bunch of his friends from high school join an army voluntarily. They heard their teacher (Kantorek) in class giving patriotic speeches. After joining the army, Paul and his friends soon come to a conclusion that joining the army was not what they thought it would be. After ten weeks of training from Corporal Himmelstoss they think of war as being brutal and terrifying. Not patriotic, glorious and honorable like they thought it would be when they first joined. World War 1 started in 1914 and ended in 1918. The war raged all across Europe and destroyed many big cities. Most of the war took place on the western fronts of Europe. Trench warfare was by far the most common type of war in World War 1. Germany invented the flamethrower to shoot flames into opponents trenche s killing anyone in sight. It could shoot up to 130 feet and still be accurate. More than 65 million soldiers were deployed in World War 1. More than 10 million did not survive the whole war. Russia sent out 12 million troops and 8 million of them either died, got lost or were injured during the war. The very first tank was invented in 1915 and was nicknamed â€Å"Little Willie†. The allies ended up winning the war four years after the start. After the first two weeks theShow MoreRelatedAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1714 Words  | 7 PagesAll Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque is a narrative describing World War I from a German soldier s perspective. The story is narrated by Paul Baà ¼mer and predominantly revolves around the experiences of him and his comrades Kemmerich, Katczinsky, Kropp, Mà ¼ller, and Leer. The novel begins with Paul Baà ¼mer and his friends in a cheerful mood as extra rations are being allocated to th em due to the missing soldiers. During this event, Baà ¼mer introduces and describes the variousRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1469 Words  | 6 Pagesjoy and happiness in life. Through the experiences that the soldiers encounter, their humanity is compromised. Thus, as war strips soldiers of their innocence, they start to become disconnected from themselves and others. In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque illustrates the negative effects war has on a soldier’s humanity, through his use of Paul’s books and the potato pancakes by revealing the soldiers loss of emotion that causes them to become detached from society. Through theseRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque732 Words  | 3 Pageshistory, war between man has been nearly inevitable. The impact of war has always been devastating on all aspects. However, loss in war is mostly seen within the loss of land, wealth and the numbers of lives lost. There are few accounts of the true losses felt from war, the loss felt by the survivors and the true cost of human life. In the excerpt from All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, illustrates the impact on human life and question what the cost of human life was impacted. WhileRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque800 Words  | 3 Pages All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque was the war novel that changed what ‘war novel’ meant. No longer would war be a fantasy for the growing generation, but a real-life death trap. World War I came with many innovations to warfare: machine guns, poison gases, trench-style warfare. While these technologies were supposed to improve warfare, it made war longer with more casualties. In All Quiet on the Western Front war is not looked up to, it is looked down upon from the perspectiveRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque2100 Words  | 9 Pagesthoughts, feelings and experiences. All Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque, which takes World War I as background, is the great war novel which talks about the German soldiers extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the hopeless of these soldiers about the â€Å"future†– the time the war would have ended. All Quiet on the Western Front is narrated by Paul Bà ¤umer, a twenty-years-old German soldier who fights in the French front in World War I. Paul and his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1292 Words  | 6 PagesGermany flourished on the nationalism in the early 1900’s of its people. Ready to encounter an attack at any moment and any time. People forget the decision of war until they are in the flame of its fire. In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque explains his experience of the war in World War 1 through a character Paul Bumer. Bumer was a kind and sensitive man. Back in school he used to write poets. Pual’s Bumer teacher brainwashed him and other students who where his classmatesRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front, By Erich Maria Remarque1655 Words  | 7 Pagessupporting Gandhi’s belief is World War I, which was fought between the Central Powers and Allies and infamous for its d evastating repercussions and savage warfare that occurred from 1914 to 1918. In his historical fiction novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque describes the traumatic and deadly war conditions of WWI from the perspective of a German soldier named Paul Baumer, who provides readers with firsthand insight on war’s atrocious nature. Nonetheless, war’s violence did notRead MoreAll Quiet And The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1249 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men, we are crude and sorrowful and superï ¬ cial, I believe we are lost†(Remarque 123). World War I is a tragic event that occurred in 1914 to 1918. Paul Baumer and the rest of the soldiers in the novel of â€Å"All Quiet in the Western Front†by Erich Maria Remarque are lost; they are broken from the fist World War, they don’t know anything aside from War, and they have lost their innocence during the years of matur ation. When the young men heardRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1482 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is a tale about a group of young gentlemen in Germany who decide to join the army, and fight in World War I for their country. The boys become interested in fighting for their country after their schoolmaster informs them about the importance of this war. With much excitement, the young men have high expectations of what they want the war to be like. Throughout the course of the novel, the attitudes and opinions of the boys change asRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1222 Words  | 5 PagesSelf-Learning Lessons There is no doubt that when war occurs, every single human being is affected by it even if it is just a little. In the novel, â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front†written by Erich Maria Remarque, a group of teenage men, who also appear to by classmates, are in the German army of World War I because they have chosen to leave their adolescence at home and school for grown up work at the army. Throughout this fictional novel, they face many challenges that result in them not seeing
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Altered Mood
Question: Discuss about theAltered Mood. Answer: Introduction The main aim of this presentation is to examine the problems faced by Mrs. Mary by diagnosing her problem, sound understanding of her mental health needs, understanding of her personal recovery, connecting her mental and physical health and its implications in our professional practice. In this case study, the first section of mental health and illness will comprise of the signs and symptoms and diagnosis of depressive disorder. Next section discusses about the personal recovery of the depressive patient and what it meant for Mrs. Mary. Then next part focuses on the nexus between the physical and mental health. The treatment section involves various management aspects as pharmacotherapy, cognitive therapy, etc. At last it discusses about the implication of this case study analysis on our professional practice. Mental Health and Illness Based on the evaluation of Marys case study, it is found that she has recurrent type of major depression. When it is compared with the clinical feature of common depressive patient, Mary is found to have same type of disorder. Marys clinical feature was compared with the DSM-IV Criteria - Major Depressive Disorder. A depressed person will always have depressed mood and loss of interest and will not meet daily needs at least for more than 2 weeks (Segal, 2013, p. 12). Similar to this, Mary is always depressed, sits alone and not performing activities of daily living for past one month. There will be impaired functioning in social, educational and occupational aspect. Mary has put sick leave and not going for work. According to DSM- IV criteria, 2010, a depressive patient will experience at least any five of the following specific symptoms almost every day. The first criterion is that the patient may have mood depression or irritability almost throughout the day, nearly every day with sadness or emptiness and tearful (Lucas, 2010, p. 13). Mary also has depressed mood and always feels despair and is tearful almost throughout the day. The patient may not have interest or pleasure in most of the activities for almost each day. Mary is not eating and dressing by herself. For past one month, she is not bathing and taking care of her personal hygiene measures. There will be change in the weight to 5% or changes in appetite (Segal, 2013, p. 12). Mary is not eating for many days. There may be decreased or increased sleep (Schatzberg, 2015, chapter, 2). Mary has insomnia and awakes in early morning. The criteria suggest that there will be changes in activity level with psychomotor retardation/ agitation. Mary is not performing her activities of daily living. These persons will experience fatigue and loss of energy. Mary says that she has little or sometimes no energy to get out from the bed. They will feel worthlessness or guilt which is similar to her expression that she cannot manage the next day (Segal, 2013, p. 12). They will have decreased concentration and thinking. Mary sits desperately. Depressive persons will have suicidal thought which is not present in Mary. She meets all the DSM-IV criteria except last criteria which suggest that Mary has major depression. She had depression few years ago and now she has similar symptoms which suggest that she has recurrent major type of depression. Personal Recovery There are various treatment modalities for depression based on their severity. The best treatment option for depression is antidepressant especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) (e.g. citalopram) but causes many side effects as increased suicidal thought, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, increased sweating, etc (Miller, 2014, p. 899- 909). Symptomatic treatment should be given to control these side effects. Sexual dysfunction may occur, for which counseling should be given for both Mary and her husband (Schatzberg, 2015, chapter, 2). If depression is not treated, it will recur within one year whereas if treated only 10% to 30% will recur (Dunner, 2007, p. 214- 223). The maintenance therapy of citalopramfor depression on a long term basis showed decreased depressive symptoms (Dunner, 2007, p. 214- 223).Mary has responded to citalopram but she has discontinued it. In case of severe depression with suicidal risk, electroconvulsive therapy is recommended (Mankad, 2010, p.9- 26). This is not needed for Mary as she dosent have suicidal tendencies. ECT should be used as maintenance therapy only for patients with decreased response to drugs and psychotherapy (Dunner, 2007, p. 214- 223).The study of Broek was peer reviewed by Keller in 2007, which suggests that ECT is not needed to be used as a maintenance therapy after remission (Keller, 2007, p. 214- 223). Various psychotherapies are used for depressive patients as cognitive behavior, inter-personal and cognitive- mindfulness based therapy (beyoundblue, n.d., 27). Cognitive therapy should be given to Mary, which helps to replace the negative thoughts with modified cognitive response (Segal, 2013, p. 12). Behavior therapy as social skill and assertiveness training should be given. Supportive therapy as reassuring, motivating to ventilate their emotions, relaxation therapies, etc should be given. Group therapies that help to mingle with others should be given. But it is very difficult to engage depressive patients in group therapies (Fehr, 2016, p. 12). To overcome this, inter personal relationship should be maintained between the group members. Family therapy is needed for persons with inter personal difficulties. Mary should receive all these therapies to overcome her depressive symptoms. The combination of drugs and psychotherapy showed greater improvements in psychosocial functioning than with separate therapies (Dunner, 2007, p. 214- 223). Nexus Between Physical and Mental Health It is said that, the sound mind in the sound body. Both physical and mental health is like two sides of a coin. They are highly interdependent with each others as well as inter related. If the physical health alters, it affects the mental health and if mental health alters, then it acts vice versa (Thibodea, 2013, p. 947- 948). Marys case shows that there is evidence of nexus between physical and mental health. Mary has moments of despair and is tearful. This shows that her mental health has affected her thought and made her to cry. She always feels that she has no or less energy to work and get out of her bed. This indicates that Marys depression has affected her thinking adversely. Kolappa (2013) found that persons having mental illness may develop physical illness and vice versa. Depression is not just having low mood but it a very serious condition as it impacts on physical and mental health (beyondblue, n.d., p. 9) Collingwood in 2016 has found that persons having depressionoften manifests with some physical disorder and vice versa and other physical health conditions affect the well-being of the individuals. She does not eat properly due to lack of motivation which suggests that depression has affected her personal hygienic activities. She is not dressing herself due to the impact of depression on her activities of daily living. Marys family identified her recurrence of depression only by the changes in her physical activity and mood. She is also not willing to work which suggests that mental health even affects her social health and communication skills. She feels worthless and hopeless with insomnia which suggests that her mental health has affected her physical health. Ultimately physical and mental health affects the quality of life adversely (Ekkekakis, 2013, p. 230). Even mental health is influenced by individual behaviors, environmental and social factors (WHO, 2012, p. 4-5) Mental Health Needs Based on the patients evaluation, it was identified that Mary requires an antidepressant therapy especially SSRIs. There are certain side effects which have to be monitored carefully which is main need for Mary (Miller, 2014, p. 899- 909). The side effects should be controlled by cognitive- behavior therapy and individual and family counseling to avoid discontinuation of medication. Even low dose of buprenorphine could be given to reduce depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation (Panksepp, 2014, p. 383393). In the past, Mary had depression for 5 weeks and was on citalopram but she discontinued as she felt that she doesnt require this medication which has recurred symptoms. For the patients, who encounter remission with no symptoms or with one or two symptoms, maintenance therapy has to be given to reduce the chance of getting relapse (Dunner, Keller Thase, 2007, p. 214- 223).Patients with residual symptoms of depression are found to have more severe depressive illness with increased symptoms of relapse, suicidal attempt and decreased social involvement as compared to asymptomatic patients (Dunner, Keller Thase, 2007, p. 214- 223). Similarly Mary has relapse of her symptoms and so citalopram has to be continued as maintenance therapy. Psychotherapies as cognitive-behavioral, family and group therapy should be given. The next most important need is to control her feelings on herself. Cognitive therapy should be given to modify her behavioral features and to make her feel worth. Sexual counseling should be given to the patient and her husband. Current researches suggest that safe administration of opioids could be used for depressive patient (Elman, 2013, p. 1-27). Family therapy should be given by involving her husband, children, parents, friends and other relatives and help her to chat with them which motivates her to manage herself care needs by herself. Supportive therapy, group therapy should be given. Implications in Professional Practice Studying psychological health of a person is much needed for health care professionals as physical health is directly affected by their mental health. Nearly 1 in every 5 women has depression at some point of life (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008). So this case study will definitely help in caring a woman with depression. Mary has typical depressive symptoms and gives a clear picture of depression to medical persons. This helps to know the criteria for depression that helps to diagnose the case of depression (DSM criteria IV, 2010). It gives way to medical persons to distinguish the clinical features to provide prompt treatment. It also helps to provide care with tool kits provided by the Government of South Australia in 2015. This case study helps the professional person to understand the impact of medication on depressive patients and adverse effects caused by SSRIs. This suggests methods to overcome these side effects by giving psychotherapies. e- therapy is newer form of treatment (Beyoundblue, n.d., p. 30). The case of Mary guides us to involve family members in the therapy. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2008) states that both anxiety disorder and depression are most common psychiatric disorder in Australia and at least one million people experience depression every year. Therefore learning depression will help the health care professionals to give required care to such patient. The relationship between physical and mental health with evidence will motivate the health care persons to have a great concern towards both physical and mental health. This case study helps us to identify the needs of the depressive patients and about various therapies as pharmacological, cognitive behavior therapy and inter personal therapy (Beyoundblue, n.d., p. 12). This helps to understand that if untreated, depression will cause negative effects that affect their job as like Mary (Beyoundblue, n.d., p. 16). The evidence from the studies will help to practice accordingly. This will also motivate the medical persons to conduct further research in depressive patients. Thus this case study will promote knowledge, attitude and skill in the care of mentally ill patients. Conclusion This case study was to evaluate Mary with major type of depression. This covers the mental health problem, DSM criteria for diagnosing depression, nexus between physical and mental health, and personal recovery of Mary and treatment modalities. This discusses about various treatment options as pharmacotherapy, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, group therapy, ECT, family therapy, counseling, etc. This gives the need for these therapies for a depressive patient. This clearly discusses about the SSRI drugs with great advantage for depressive patients. Yet there are certain side effects of using the drugs and this case study discusses this and methods to overcome this. The implications for its use in professional practice were discussed. This case study serves as a better mode to understand various aspects of depressive patients. Reference Anxiety and depression, An Information booklet, 9, 12, 27, 30, from beyond blue ltd. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008, National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results (4326.0), Canberra, ABS. Collingwood, J., 2016, The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health,Psych Central, viewed on October 16, 2016, from DSM- IV, 2010, Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder and Depressive Episodes , from American psychiatry association Dunner, Keller Thase, 2007, Preventing Recurrent Depression: Long-Term Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder, Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry, 9(3): 214223. doi. PMCID:PMC1911177 Ekkekakis, P, 2013, Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity and Mental Health, 230, from Elman, I., Borsook, D. Volkow, N.D., 2013, Pain and suicidality: insights from reward and addiction neuroscience, from 1- 27, Prog Neurobiol , 109 Fehr, S. S, 2016, 101 Interventions in Group Therapy, 12, from Kolappa, K., 2013, No physical health without mental health - World Health Organization, from Lucas, P, 2010, Queenslands mind Essentials, mental illness and nursing document, 13, from Queensland Government Mankad, M. V., 2010, Clinical Manual of Electroconvulsive Therapy, 9- 26, from Miller et al, 2014, Antidepressant age, dose and risk of deliberate self harm, JAMA internal medicine, 174, 899- 909 Panksepp, J. Yovell, Y., 2014, Preclinical Modeling of Primal Emotional Affects (SEEKING, PANIC and PLAY): Gateways to the Development of New Treatments for Depression, 383393, Psychopathology, doi: 10.1159/000366208 Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behavior, 2015, A guide to using the policy directive, guideline and toolkit, from Government of South Australia Risks To Mental Health, 2012, An Overview Of Vulnerabilities And Risk Factors, 4- 5, From WHO Secretariat For The Development Of A Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan Schatzberg, A.F. Battista, C, 2015, Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Chapter-2, from id=zT22CAAAQBAJ printsec=frontcoverdq=side+effects+of+citalopramhl=ensa=Xved =0ahUKEwjPm9TPuuvPAhVHjlQKHUqsD3EQ6AEINTAE#v=onepageqf=false Segal, V., Williams, M. Teasdale, D, 2013, Mindfulness- based cognitive therapy for depression, 12, from /books?id=w7yp8F3kpOoCprintsec=frontcoverdq=treatment+for+depressionhl=ensa=Xved=0ahUKEwjN1YGgq-vPAhXIz1QKHYHmAnIQ6AEIMzAA#v=onepage q=treatment%20for%20depressionf=false Thibodeau, 2013, physical and mental health, 947- 948, from,+2013,+p.+947)hl=ensa=Xved=0ahUKEwjRmOiWw-vPAhVHy1QKHcH1Cg4Q6AEIKDAC#v=onepageq=(Thibodeau%2C%202013%2C%20p.%20947)f=false
Monday, December 2, 2019
Talent Management Strategy TriStar Logistics
TriStar Logistics distinguishes the need to make appropriate plans in advance its staff and the collective expertise that is involved. The commitment of the company focuses on developing the full potential of individual employees so that they may attain their own career aspirations, while maximizing on the value that TriStar Logistics offers to its clientele.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Talent Management Strategy: TriStar Logistics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Objectives of the ‘Talent Management Strategy’ We will see to it that only the very best personnel is employed and retained at Tri-Star Logistics. This will be of great benefit to the company. We also intend to have the guarantee that TriStar Logistics’ clients will receive the greatest benefit out of being served by the top quality skills and talent that can be found in the market. We intend to enhance the commitment of our empl oyees by availing to them numerous opportunities in order that their own career goals and aspirations can be fulfilled (Armstrong, 2008). The significant positions and roles in the organization shall be staffed with the necessary staff, and TriStar Logistics shall continuously seek to achieve positive transformation by strictly adhering to the set out employment equity goals. The strategy shall target to offer a channel through which internal skills and talents can be developed such that the future human resource can be achieved by way of internal promotions. The Key Components of the Talent Management Tri-Star seeks to achieve a strategic recognition as an â€Å"Employer of Choice†. The company will achieve this status by undertaking effective branding, remunerating its employees competitively, and achieving leadership in its operations. The company will physically demonstrate this commitment by targeting to list itself among the leading 15 Best Employer Companies competitio n. Roles and positions at TriStar Logistics will strictly be filled in a fair and transparent manner, while adhering to the equitable processes of employment set out by the company. A clear success criterion will define the entire mission’s critical positions at the company, on the basis of which decisions on appointment will be made. Assessing the suitability of people to determine their potential to work in specific roles and positions will rely on much information in order to highlight on our objective measures (Ensley et al, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People having unique and important skills will follow through a career path where technical specialty will be involved. However, decisions on this will be arrived at based on individual employer’s skills and intended aspirations. Personal learning plans will be established for all the key staff, wi th the main objective being to facilitate their current performance and increase their ability to handle future obligations (Armstrong, 2008). A formal monitoring mechanism will be established as a way of ensuring full implementation of the decisions. Key employees who possess critical leadership potential will be offered the opportunity to serve in different roles in order that they may build a broader experience. Consistency will be achieved in potential evaluation by establishing panels that will act as the formal structure (Silzer Dowell, 2010). The panel will oversee the succession process and ensure that employees enhance their performance and productivity by issuing them with feedback concerning their individual options on career development. Formal career discussions will be held for every key staff at least once in every year. The main objective of such discussions will be to align the aspirations of employees with the organizational opportunities. All the key staffs will have unlimited access to a coaching network as a sure means of facilitating the ongoing development. Members will need to be part of a Professional Registration in order to fast track their mentoring process (Silzer Dowell, 2010). It will be upon the employees to take substantial responsibility as regards their individual career growth and development. Learning will be designed in a special way that prepares people for significant transformations, including change from Auditor to Audit Manager, where new skills will be required to match the new roles. The Talent Management Process as a Strategy for Competitive Advantage Talent Panels Every business unit at TriStar Logistics will have a talent panel on its own. The composition of the talent panels will include the business units’ executive, whose main responsibilities will involve career development as well as succession planning (Robinson, 2009). The existence of the talent panels will benefit TriStar Logistics in numerous a spects, including evaluating the key staff and determining their individual potentials. Talent panels will also identify risks that afflict the skills as identified by the succession plan, and will authenticate the exact success criterion in determining mission critical positions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Talent Management Strategy: TriStar Logistics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The panel will come up with a succession plan that will target to align individual career objectives with the company’s own organizational goals. It will equally confirm the learning plans of the members of staff, particularly those with unique and critical skills as a sure way of ensuring implementation (Robinson, 2009). These elaborate plans on skill development and enhancement will ensure that TriStar Logistics achieves its intention of attracting the best talent in the market, while also working towards retaining th e same. The service performance and delivery will be of great benefit to the clientele, thus ensuring that the company also attracts more business compared with its competitors. Assessments The decision to ascertain the suitably to perform certain roles on the part of the employees will be done through assessment processes. The process will be varied and shall be conducted at different stages in order to produce a highly reliable result. Firstly, a formal psychometric assessment will be undertaken to derive information concerning personality profiles (Leavitt, 2004). Managers will also carry their own assessment (Leavitt, 2004), where their main objective will be to evaluate the employee against the success criterion that has been established for specific roles and positions. Results on performance management will also be ascertained, with the need of evaluating how the employee is fairing on in the current position he is holding. From the assessment, the company will make specific decisions about training and development, considering the level of experience that the employee holds. The entire assessment process will provide the company with adequate data and information about every employee at the firm, and their exact statuses in as far as experience is concerned. This will enable TriStar manage its resources properly, especially where it comes to training and developing its workforce. Only the necessary training needs will be pursued for each employee, and this will greatly enhance their productivity (Leavitt, 2004). While they will be satisfied with their career growth, the company will also be maximizing on its business targets and operations.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Succession Succession management will mainly focus on creating a greater capability of the company in terms of its future human resource needs. This will, in turn, ensure that staffs with critical skills and talent have endless opportunities for their career growth (Leavitt, 2004). The system will be flexible enough in its structure, allowing members with succession capabilities the opportunities to actualize their short, medium, as well as long-term objectives. TriStar Logistics will have competitive advantage by having such elaborate succession programs because gaps will be identified well in advance and corrective strategies adopted in order to eliminate possible risks. Appropriate learning plans will be put into practices as per the laid down schedule. This will make TriStar Logistics’ workers be positioned for taking up future roles. Future Growth: How the Talent Management Strategy should Change The strategy will have career discussions that will focus on each individua l employee to ascertain how they can achieve career growth. The career discussion will consider both the organizational objectives and the individual employee aspirations in order to link up the two together. However, with the changing business environment and other external features, these constant career discussions will be able to appropriately align personal aspirations with the organizational targets and objectives (Silzer Dowell, 2010). This will occur at an opportune time because the discussions are held annually, thus allowing the company ample opportunity to accurately ally its internal resource with the external expectations and conditions. The personal learning plans will also ensure a gradual change of talent management with anticipated future growth objectives. The plan will provide an opportunity for the critical skills and talent to pursue their own individual learning plan. The learning interventions shall not remain restricted to a strict training schedule, but rat her they would give the employees freedom to experience other areas and experiences. This will transform the workers to all-rounded personnel whose vast experience and talent will be able to tackle the challenges that the future will hold for the company (Armstrong, 2008). References Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic human resource management: a guide to action (4th edition). London, UK: Kogan Page Ensley, M. D., et al. (2010). The theoretical basis and dimensionality of the talent management system. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 9(2), 9-42. Leavitt, P. (2004). Succession management: a guide for your journey to best-practice processes. Houston, TX: APQC Publications. Robinson, E. (2009). Is your talent latent? Staying ahead with talent management. Strategic HR Review, 8(4), 34-35. Silzer, R. Dowell, B. E. (2010). Strategy-driven talent management: a leadership imperative. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass This essay on Talent Management Strategy: TriStar Logistics was written and submitted by user Eli Cook to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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