Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Corrections Community-Based Treatment Program - Essay
Corrections Community-Based Treatment Program - - Essay Example Psychotherapy is an interaction based form of treatment where a trained counseling professional or psychologist establishes a relationship with the client with the intents of changing the clients way of thinking. There are various forms of psychotherapy each targeting a given system. Usually, Psychotherapy has been integrated into rehabilitation programs as it targets to change the behavior of an individual (Brazà £o, Motta & Rijo, 2013). The reason I chose the psychotherapy as a correction treatment program is because of its application. One of the commonly accepted facts in dealing with juvenile crimes is most juvenile offenders commit the crime out of influence or maladaptive thinking that translates into a maladaptive behavior. Secondly, when a juvenile commits a crime and is convicted of the crimes, there is an increased possibility that they will be affected emotionally and psychologically. Psychotherapy, therefore, comes in as one of the best correction measures as it addresses all these complications associated with juvenile crimes. There are various psychological conditions that are associated with vulnerability to commit crimes. An example of such conditions is the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and compulsive disorders that are common with children (Brazà £o, Motta & Rijo, 2013). Among juvenile offenders with such conditions, psychotherapy has proven to be a reliable rehabilitative measure. Ther efore, I selected this option out of interest to learn more about it and because of its diverse application. Psychotherapy originated from an earlier form of treatment that was practiced earlier called hypnotic therapy that concentrated on the treatment of psychic. This definition was later changed as most authors felt the term was being taken in tow with hypnotism. Since then, psychotherapy has been used to mean the use of psychological or psychophysiological methods (Brazà £o, Motta & Rijo,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Lockes Criterion Of Personal Identity
Lockes Criterion Of Personal Identity Who am I? What makes me, me? The theory of personal identity has been considered one of the most complicated questions that philosophy has taken a deeper look into. The theory of personal identity tries to deal with the questions about how an individual at one time and place is the same individual at another time and place. When we look at personal identity, we are trying to figure out what sets us apart from other pieces of matter, species and individuals. In this essay I will discuss John Lockes criterion of sameness of consciousness for the theory of personal identity and why he does not think that other physical or psychological criteria fit, a challenge to Lockes criterion posed by Thomas Reid using the logic of transitivity analogy, and lastly how the suggested idea of overlapping chains of memory that Derek Parfit poses to reform Lockes view so that it may meet the challenge posed by Thomas Reid is a good solution to the challenge because it keeps Lockes theory intact and also adds the transitivity property that Reid challenges Lockes theory on. When discussing personal identity, the criterion of identity will strongly depend on the object that you are talking about. There have been many viewpoints as to what the criterion of personal identity of the self or a person is. Some viewpoints suggest that the criterion for the self is organic; that our body is what identifies us over time. Locke states that this criterion is not applicable for personal identity of a person because of situations like body switch (Freaky Friday situation). If the consciousness of two people were to switch, everyone would think that you are the same person because you look like the same person. However, it is not actually you in your body and because there is a different consciousness in your body, and your body is no longer you; your body cannot define your personal identity. Other views describe the criterion as being substance that makes us the same over time. Substance includes both non-physical (soul) and physical substances. According to Locke, substance as a criterion is not applicable for personal identity of a person because of situations like death. When you die, you may be made of the same substance, but if you cease to think (thinking is connected to being a person) then you cease to exist and have no personal identity. Locke looks towards a psychological criterion to define personal identity of a person. According to Locke, a person or the self is different than just matter and just a living thing. A person is a thinking intelligent being that has reason and reflection and can consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places; which it does only by that consciousness which is inseparable from thinking. This describes what is known as sameness of consciousness. We are the same person to the point where we are conscious of our past and future memory or mental state in the same way that we are conscious of our current memory or mental state. This criterion can also be broken down into an analogy said by Locke: person x is the same as person y if person y is consciously connected to x in the sense that person y can remember the thoughts and actions of person x. According to Locke, the necessary criterion of personal identity is sameness of consciousness. This sameness of consciousness comes directly from memory and experience. Locke believes that the sameness of consciousness is the ideal criterion of personal identity for a person because since consciousness is always connected to thinking, and being able to think is what makes a person a person and allows that person to distinguish its own thoughts from anothers, as far back as our consciousness can be extended to any past thought, so far back will our identity extend. As far back as the person can repeat or reflect on a past thought or action with its current consciousness, so far back is the personal identity of the person. Thomas Reid, as well as many other philosophers and critics who oppose the idea of sameness of consciousness criterion, otherwise known as memory theory, have a very hard time agreeing that sameness of consciousness is a necessary criterion for personal identity. They understand that the sufficient condition that the view of sameness of consciousness criterion is trying to state is achievable; if I remember eating a triple chocolate fudge bar, then I must have been the one that really ate the triple chocolate fudge bar. However, they dont understand how sameness of consciousness is a necessary condition for personal identity; that if I cannot remember eating the triple chocolate fudge bar, then it is impossible that I was the one who ate the triple chocolate fudge bar. The fact that it is impossible for you to have the same personal identity if you cannot remember that past thought or action is where Reids challenge arises. Reids challenge towards Lockes theory is presented in the form of the logic of transitivity analogy that states that if x is related to y, and y is related to z, then x is related to z. Using a modern example, Reids theory follows that the little girl who played in the sand(x) is the same person who was a student at the University of Toronto(y) and the person who was a student at the University of Toronto(y) is the same as the woman who is CEO of a banking firm(z), and therefore using the logic of transitivity, the little girl who played in the sand(x) is therefore the same person as the woman who is CEO of a banking firm(z). Reid successfully shows that transitivity allows the little girl who played in the sand and the woman who is CEO of a banking firm to have the same personal identity despite the fact that the woman who is CEO of a banking firm may not remember ever being the little girl who played in the sand. Due to the fact that Reids challenge is successful in showing that th e CEO and the little girl who played in the sand can be the same person and share the same personal identity, it shows that Lockes theory denies the fact that the CEO and the little girl who played in the sand are the same person which ignores the logic of transitivity and is therefore false. Lockes criterion does not take into consideration the transitivity property and Reids challenge points out this clear and big flaw. Reids challenge explains that Lockes criterion of personal identity completely ignores the logic of transitivity. His challenge proves that Lockes criterion, without any changes applied, fails because it cannot just ignore the transivity property. However, Derek Parfit, a British philosopher who also explored the topic of personal identity, suggested a possible solution to slightly change Lockes criterion to make it so that it meets this challenge. Parfits suggested solution is to make the criterion of personal identity overlapping chains of memory. Going back to the modern example of the little girl who played in the sand and the CEO, Parfits suggested solution would state that if the student at the University of Toronto could remember being the little girl who played in the sand, and the CEO remembered being the student at the University of Toronto, then this overlapping chain of memories would allow the CEO to be the same person as the little girl who played in the sand. This solution helps Lockes theory overcome Reids challenge while still defending the core parts of Lockes theory. Parfits overlapping memory theory allows for the CEO and the little girl to be the same person, which covers the transitivity property. It allows x to be the same person as z. It also still allows for sameness of consciousness or memory theory to be the necessary criterion of personal identity. It fulfills the sufficient condition of the criterion: if I remember eating a triple chocolate fudge bar, then I must have been the one that really ate the triple chocolate fudge bar, and fulfills the necessary condition of the criterion: If I dont remember eating a triple chocolate fudge bar, as long as I remember buying the chocolate fudge bar to eat than I am the same person who later ate the triple fudge chocolate bar because I have overlapping chains of memory that allow me to be the same person. The necessary condition is fulfilled because it shows that through the overlappin g chains of memory I may not remember everything but as long as I remember enough to continue the chain of memories, I will be the same person. Although this solution is a sound response to Reids challenge, it does not give a specific conclusion for what the criterion of identity truly is. It states that instead of the criterion being one specific definition, it is more like a group of experience, memories and thoughts that make us the same person at time one and time two. However, Parfits argument is a sound response to Reids challenge and therefore does successfully transform Lockes view so that it will meet the transitivity property as well as the necessary condition of consciousness. Overall, Lockes view on personal identity is just one of many and there will be many more to come on this complicated and deep topic.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Professional Air Traffic Controller Essay -- Career Research
The seeds of the Professional Air Traffic Controller (PATCO) strike were sown long before the strike began on August 3, 1981. PATCO was founded in 1968, and from the beginnings of the union, its members hoped to improve their current work situation under the FAA. It is important to note that as a union composed of federal employees, PATCO was not allowed to go on strike or else suffer civil and criminal penalties. Between 1970 and 1980 PATCO was under the leadership of union president John F. Leyden, during this time PATCO made significant gains. Leyden’s leadership actively encouraged cooperation with the FAA and discouraged illegal acts by PATCO members. In 1980, Robert Poli became the new president of PATCO. Poli held radically different views than Leyden, he favored a militant approach to negotiations with the FAA. He believed that the system would be nearly impossible to run without PATCO. On August 3, 1981 after 7 months of unsuccessful bargaining approxim ately 12,500 of PATCO’s 17,500 employees went on strike. An outraged President Reagan ordered the strikers to return to work or be permanently banned from any form of future federal employment. Following this threat 11,350 PATCO workers gave up their jobs (Shostak, 2009). On August 17, 1981 the FAA began hiring new workers (Schalch). PATCO struggled to survive into 1982. The majority of the union’s finances were drained by massive fines. Members of the union demonstrated fierce loyalty and continued to send dues as the were able throughout 1982. However this was insufficient to save PATCO, and the union was decertified in the U.S. Court of appeals on June 11, 1982 (McCartin, 2011). On June 19, 1987 the NATCA was certified as the sole bargaining grou... ... as president (McCartin, 2006). Works Cited McCartin, Joseph. â€Å"Collision Course: How Reagan Broke PATCO to Create the ‘Brotherhood of the Downwardly Mobile.’†Social Policy 41.4 (2011): 15-21. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 May 2012. - - -. â€Å"A Historian’s Perspective on the PATCO Strike, its Legacy, and its Lessons.†Employee Responsibilities & Rights Journal 18.3 (2006): 215-222. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 May 2012. Schalch, Kathleen. â€Å"1981 Strike Leaves Legacy for American Workers.†National Public Radio. N.p., 3 Aug. 2006. Web. 1 May 2012. . Shostak, Arthur. â€Å"PATCO’s 1981 Strike.†Labor Studies Journal 34.2 (2009): 149-158. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 May 2012. - - -. â€Å"Unhappy 25th Anniversary: The PATCO Strike in Retrospective.†New Labor Forum 15.3 (2006): 75-82. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 May 2012.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
9th Grade Biology
Biology Chapter 17 1) 17. 1 Protists are the Most Diverse of All Eukaryotes a. Slide 1: Complex Characteristics of Protists i. Protist 1. eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, a plant, or a fungus ii. Structure iii. Future iv. Examples v. Classification b. Slide 2: Complex Cells/Grouping by Nutrition vi. Heterotroph/Autotrophs vii. How to Group: viii. Animal-Like 2. Protozoans a. animal-like protist; is a heterotroph ix. Fungus-Like x. Plant-Like 3. Algae b. plant-like protist; makes its own food by photosynthesis Read also Lab 2 Biology 2) 17. Protozoans Digest their Food c. Slide 1: Protozoans With Flagella xi. Zooflagellates c. member of a group of protozoans that move by means of one or more flagella 4. Reproduction 5. Giardia 6. Trypanosoma d. Slide 2: Protozoans With Pseudopodia xii. Amoebas: 7. Movement: pseudopodia d. temporary extension of a cell's cytoplasm and plasma membrane; used by certain protozoans in movement and feeding 8. Forarms e. member of a group of marine protozoans with porous shells made of organic material and calcium carbonate e.Slide 3: Protozoans with Cilia xiii. Paramecium 9. Movement f. Ciliates i. member of a group of protozoans that move and feed by means of hair like projections f. Slide 4: Protozoans Lacking Motility xiv. Apicomplexans (parasites) 10. Plasmodium g. Malaria 3) 17. 3 g. Plasmodia Slime Molds 11. member of a group of fungus-like protists that grows in a branching pattern xv. Cellular Slime Mold 12. protist with both unicellular and multicellular stages in its life cycle; is a decomposer xvi. Plasmodium 13. ember of a group of fungus-like protists that grows in a branching pattern xvii. Sporangia 14. reproductive structures on a plasmodial slime mold; also called fruiting bodies h. Water Molds and Downy Mildews xviii. Water molds xix. Downy mildews 15. Phytophthora Infestans 4) 17. 4 i. Euglenoids 16. member of a group of unicellular photosynthetic protists with one or two flagella and no cell wall xx. Euglena j. Dinoflagellates 17. member of a group of unicellular, photosynthetic algae with cell walls made of cellulose and having two flagella xxi.Plankton 18. mostly microscopic organisms that drift or swim near the surface of ponds, lakes, and ocean xxii. Phytoplankton 19. microscopic algae and cyanobacteria that carry out photosynthesis xxiii. Zooplankton 20. microscopic animals that swim or drift near the surface of aquatic environments k. Diatoms 21. member of a group of unicellular algae with glasslike cell walls l. Seaweeds 22. a la rge, multicellular marine alga xxiv. Brown Algae xxv. Red Algae xxvi. Green AlgaeGeneral Biology Ii Study Guide (Online Class)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cells Study Guide Biology
Soon of existing cells. Janet Plow demonstrated that the cell membrane is a physical structure, not an interface between two liquids. Lynn Amaryllis proposed the idea that certain organelles were once free living themselves. Cell Theory: All living things are composed of cells. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. New cells are produced from existing cells. 2 Types of Cells: Eukaryote are cells that contain nuclei. They contain a nucleus in which their genetic material is separated from the rest of the cell.Prokaryote are cells that do not contain nuclei. They have genetic material the at is not contained in a nucleus. Section: An organelle is a specialized structure that performs important cellular function eons within an eukaryotic cell. A plant cell has a cell wall and a cell membrane while a animal cell has just a c ell membrane. Organelles: Nucleus: Contains nearly all the cell's DNA & with it the coded instructions for making proteins & other im portant molecules. (Both) Ribosome: small particles of RNA & proteins found throughout the cytoplasm m. Proteins are assembled on ribosome.Both) Endoplasmic Reticulum: internal membrane system, the site where lipid come moments of the cell membrane are assembled, along with proteins and other materials that are e exported from the cell. (Both) Googol apparatus modifies, sorts and packages proteins & other materials from the ERE for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cell. (Both) Lissome: small organelles filled with enzymes. Breaks down lipids, carboy drapes & proteins into small molecules that can be used by the rest of the cell. Also involved in b reeking down organelles that have outlived their usefulness.A) Vacuoles: sickle structures that store materials such as water, salts, proteins and carbohydrates. (P) Mitochondria: organelles that convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use. Enclosed by two membranes (ou ter and inner) (Both) Chloroplasts: organelles that capture the energy from sunlight and convert it I onto chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis. (Plant) Cytoplasm: portion of the cell outside the nucleus. (Both) Cytokines: network of protein filaments that helps the cell to maintain its shape.The cytokines is also involved in movement. The two principal protein filament s that make up the cytokines are nonconformists and microbes. (Both) Centurion: One out of two tiny structures located in the cytoplasm of animal CE ASS near the nuclear envelope. (A) Cell Membrane: Regulates what enters & leaves the cell & also provides proto action & support. (Both) Cell Wall: provides support and protection for the cell. (P) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes. The y both contain their own genetic info in the form of small DNA molecules.
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